Column: Other People’s Houses – Live, Laugh, Love, in Impulse Magazine –

Father’s Day, in Metro Online –

Dating in my 50s, in Business Insider –

A Novel Approach, in Mslexia blog –

Book review: They Shut Me Up, by Tracy Fahey, in Interzone digital, 2024 –

Book review: The Shape of Guilt, by Lisa Fransson, in Interzone digital, 2024 –

Book reviews: Chasing Spirits, by John Llewellyn Probert; Beyond Glass, by Rachel Knightley, in Interzone digital, 2024 –

Book review: Umbilical, by Teika Marija Smits, in Interzone digital –

Book review: All That’s Lost, by Ray Cluley, in Interzone Digital, July 2022 –

Book Review: Black Mouth, by Ronald Malfi, in Interzone Digital, July 2022 –

ESCAPE ROOMS: Interviews with 12 authors, 2019 – 2020 –

Poscast review: The Fountain Road Files, by Richard Maclean Smith, in Black Static #77, Nov/Dec 2020

Book reviews: Regret, by Robert Stone; The Wash by Daniel Gothard, in Black Static #76, Sept/Oct 2020

Book review: You Let Me In, by Camilla Bruce, in Black Static #75, May/June 2020

Interview with Priya Sharma, in Black Static #72, Jan/Feb 2020

Book review: Ormeshadow, by Priya Sharma, in Black Static #72, Jan/Feb 2020

Book reviews: Wounds, by Nathan Balingrud; The Girl in Red, by Christina Henry; Sealed, by Naomi Booth, in Black Static #70, Jul/Aug 2019

Interview with Nathan Balingrud, in Black Static #70, Jul/Aug 2019

Book review: Water Shall Refuse Them, by Lucie McKnight Hardy, in Black Static #69, May/June 2019

Book review: New Music for Old Rituals, by Tracy Fahey, in Black Static #71, Sept/Oct 2019

Book review: The Water Cure, by Sophie Mackintosh, in Black Static #68, March/April 2019

Book review: Halcyon, by Rio Youers, in Black Static #67, Jan/Feb 2019

Book review: Gamble, by Kerry Hadley-Pryce, in Black Static #66, Nov/Dec 2018

Interview with Kerry Hadley-Pryce, in Black Static #66, Nov/Dec 2018

Book review: Figurehead, by Carly Holmes, in Black Static #65, Sept/Oct 2018

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