er… thanks

Actually I’m a bit embarrassed by how kind and congratulatory people have been about the Bridport shortlist thingy. I was rather excited about it, it’s true. But in the cold light of day I see that all I really did was lose a competition and I’m not sure that this deserves as much praise as I’ve got. Although it is nice. Very nice. Thank you, nice people.

It has all made me think a bit, though. I think it was about 8 years ago that I wrote my first short story. By which I mean, a story that I drafted, revised, edited, completed, won a competition with and finally sold. (It was made into a short film – not a very good one.) Eight years is not that long, in writing terms. And a lot of that time I spent not really writing, or even trying to write. So, to put all this in perspective, I’m still just a beginner.

But I’m ready to start getting really serious now. What that means in terms of how I organise and plan my writing life, I’m not quite sure yet. But I’m feeling steely and determined, which will probably help me work it out.

2 Replies to “er… thanks”

  1. I’ve just read about your Bridport shortlisting. That’s awesome…but not suprising. And it’s definitely a big deal, so I hope it spurs you on. I see big things in your future and I don’t mean juggernauts or mountains or very large chocolate bars.

  2. Hee hee! Thank you Priya! It is definitely encouraging – and now you’ve made me think about chocolate… 🙂

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